Episode 36 -with special guest, Mark Goblowsky: “Shining the Light on the darkest of times.”
If you have listened to this show a few times, you know that strength is forged in the struggle. Having the opportunity to walk alongside another as they move through such a time is an opportunity to see the hand of God at work.
What is God at work on in your life today?
Sometimes God’s grace looks different than you might imagine; but just because it doesn’t look like you think it should doesn’t mean that God isn’t busy positioning you for the breakthrough that you long for.
Join us on today’s episode with my Guest today, Mark Goblowsky. We will walk down a path of struggle with Mark that leads to a place of strength and renewal; where we see the goodness of God show up in a mighty way.
- What experience is leading you to knowing that God is real?
- How does “truth” manifest itself in the dark?
- Mark’s key to moving through the dark times.
- What is the most important part of surrounding yourself with others that you can relate to?
Psalm 131……”My heart is not proud, nor haughty…..Hope in the Lord.”
- Book recommendations:
Get either one of these books for free as an audio book by going to audibletrial.com/blessed
Lifetime Guarantee by Bill Gillham
Thou Shall Prosper by Daniel Lapin
- free chapter from Mark’s book, “Strength through the Struggle” at http://markgoblowsky.com/blessed/