Episode 39 – with special guest, Phil Potts: “Moving your marriage from a 2 to a 10.”

Marriage seems to be this always moving process of learning and change, and this creates and opportunity to create breakthrough in our marriage. Often times learning and change is predicated by questions; sometimes they are tough questions. It’s those tough questions that move us to take a personal inventory of where things stand in our marriage. It’s those tough questions that helped today’s guest Phil Potts, move his marriage from a 2 to a 10.

  • What questions are you asking that create a positive impact on your marriage?
  • What questions can you ask that open the door to having a marriage that functions more like a 10 than a 2?
  • How does duct tape become a foundational tool for your marriage and not just a quick fix to hold it together?
  • How does John 21 and the story of Jesus, fish, nets, and his disciples help us to move toward an abundant life?
  • Phil’s recommended book: “Love and War: Find your way to something beautiful in your marriage.” by John & Stasi Eldredge:  Listen to and audio version of it free at http://audibletrial.com/blessed
  • Check out Phil’s free gift at http://renegadegentlemen.com/blessed
  • support the show 



About the author, Jay

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