Episode 1 – In The Meantime: Your Faith Will See You Through

So welcome to the first episode!

Episode 1 is titled, “In the Meantime: Your Faith Will See You Through”

And in today’s show, I want you to get a better feel of what Your Blessed Life is all about, as well as share with you Why & How the show came about.


– A rich, full, satisfying life. “The thief comes to steal, kill, and destroy; I have come that they might have life, and have it abundantly.” – John 10:10.

– The initial reason for me to have such a show is I wanted to create an environment where I could surround myself with Christian leaders who were living life fully & effectively.


Finally in this episode, I want to share a story with you that is the basis of the shows format, and at the same time it will help you to get to know me a little better.

– Story, teaching, and interview based format for the show (inspiration & encouragement along with information & education).

– I want to take you back to a time in my life when I was going through one of those….. times of need, a time of want. A time where my faith was stretched and even challenged. I want to set the stage here so you know precisely what was going on at this time in my life. Let me start by saying, life may have appeared to be all of that and a box of chocolates but the truth of the matter is…….





About the author, Jay

Hey there, I hope these podcasts are providing you with great value. We try really hard to pack as much as we can into each episode.

If you would like to get even more great training & coaching, I want you to know about a pilot course we have coming out very soon. The course is titled, "7 Secrets to a Loving & Lasting Marriage: Communication Power for Couples."

If you would like for us to keep you posted, please leave us your name and email address via the contact page and reference, 'marriage pilot course.' Talk to you soon!