Episode 2 – Positioned for a Breakthrough: A Hope that is Bigger Than Anything That Can come Against You.

In episode 2, Positioned for a Breakthrough: A Hope that is Bigger Than Anything That Can come Against You…..

We get to take a look at part two of the story I shared with you in episode 1. A story of how the HOPE that we have in Christ is greater than any challenge we might face; and in God’s perfect timing we get to see that Hope released, renewed, & restored in our life.

– being faithful and diligent to the responsibilities that God has given us, and leave the outcome in God’s hands.

– Persevering.

– A Biblical kind of hope.

– What does God have to say about your life?

– Activating your faith

– Hebrew’s 6:11&12 says it this way…..” the full assurance of HOPE until the end. That you may not be sluggish but imitators of those who through FAITH, and patience, inherit the promises.



About the author, Jay

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