Episode 2 – Positioned for a Breakthrough: A Hope that is Bigger Than Anything That Can come Against You.
In episode 2, Positioned for a Breakthrough: A Hope that is Bigger Than Anything That Can come Against You…..
We get to take a look at part two of the story I shared with you in episode 1. A story of how the HOPE that we have in Christ is greater than any challenge we might face; and in God’s perfect timing we get to see that Hope released, renewed, & restored in our life.
– being faithful and diligent to the responsibilities that God has given us, and leave the outcome in God’s hands.
– Persevering.
– A Biblical kind of hope.
– What does God have to say about your life?
– Activating your faith
– Hebrew’s 6:11&12 says it this way…..” the full assurance of HOPE until the end. That you may not be sluggish but imitators of those who through FAITH, and patience, inherit the promises.