Episode 40 – with special guest, Sharon Spano: “What is God calling you to?”

Sometimes in our walk with Christ, it’s not so much what’s going on in our own life as it is experiences that others are going  through, that are drawing us closer to God.

Sometimes it’s a child, sometimes it’a spouse, and sometimes it’s someone we barely know. Our God truly is an awesome God and he can use any situation as an opportunity to draw you closer to Him.

So, what is God calling you to?

What is God calling you to do?

In this episode of the Your Blessed Life Podcast, my guest Dr. Sharon Spano shares how intentional focus, compassion, connection, and even obedience sets the stage to receive the fullness of what God has in store for your life.

  • How is obedience preparing you for the next season of your life?
  • Can you position yourself for God’s peace?
  • How to keep going during a season of struggle.
  • Why being intentional during a season of change is critical.

Matthew 6:21, “Treasure & heart”

Sharon’s website and some additional information on her upcoming book, “Time & Money.”



About the author, Jay

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